More on Jayne Ann Krentz’s pseudonyms

I ran across an interesting post today, where author Jayne Ann Krentz explains her three names. I’ve got a page on this site devoted to her pseudonyms, so I thought this was a relevant topic. I’ve also previously discussed my thoughts about authors and pseudonyms from a readers perspective in my post titled The Art of the Pseudonym. I specifically talked about Jayne Ann Krentz’s efficient use of pseudonyms and asked a few questions she’s answered in her post JAYNE EXPLAINS HER THREE NAMES.

I said:

I wonder sometimes how much of Jayne Krentz’s decision to go forward with the Arcane Society series was simply a decision to find a good way to cross-promote her different books. Maybe at this point she wishes she were using only one name. I can’t say and I shouldn’t speculate, because I can’t know the answer without asking, and I probably won’t do that.

I never did ask…but someone must have.

She said:

Yes, if I had it to do it over again, I would have stuck with one name. But what’s done is done. So I have concocted a brilliant rationale for my three names, one that makes it look like a shrewd, well-thought out career choice rather than the result of a lot of bumbling and pratfalls along the way.

How refreshing to finally know the answer. :)




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